Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wrapping up FFA Activities

FFA Activities are basically wrapped up for the year!  With such excitement comes much anxiety.  Did we get all of our goals achieved this year?  Did we do what was best for the chapter?  Have we made an impact?  What will next year bring?  How can we make a difference in the lives of others?  Really, the list could go on.

On Monday, April 28th, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce, we did highway clean up.  The weather was on the questionable side, because we didn't want any one to get hurt in the storms that were forecasted.  As luck would have it, the only weather we had to battle was the wind.  It's always fun to help out the environment and see what people throw out their windows.  (That last statement is in no way encouraging people to throw objects out their windows though!!!)

Today we held junior officer interviews.  There were five candidates that interviewed, and the officer team selected three to be junior officers.  Congratulations go out to Coby Steingard, Trevor Friesen, and Shelby Hurlbut.  These three will be junior officers for next year.  

On Friday, the officer team will hold 8th grade recruitment.

Classes have been busy finishing up projects before the summer starts.  Here is a picture of one completed project and another picture of some freshmen working on their projects.

Also, in more exciting news, we have had one chick and two ducks hatch within the past week.  The two ducks actually just hatched today!  Petrie, the duck, will have to learn how to get along with other ducklings now.  He might even have to share his aquarium bathing tank!

Until next time, keep on keeping on!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

State Convention and Banquet...oh my!

So, my hopes of posting stuff during state convention didn't happen!  Sorry goes out to those of you that were really looking forward to updates.  Here's a run down of what happened:

Wednesday, April 9, 4 students loaded up in the school suburban to head down early for state convention.  2 students were working the registration desk for courtesy corp and 2 students participated in the State Convention Choir.  Nearly all the rest of the members loaded the school bus and left Henderson at 4:30.  They checked into their hotel rooms, and then went out to eat at Valentino's (a chapter tradition).  

Thursday, April 10, was a busy day for everyone.  3 students had to be checked in for courtesy corp by 7:15.  2 students were to be at a delegate breakfast at the same time.  The rest of the students were either working courtesy corp that started at 8, or were to be in one of two sessions.  
Addie Swartzendruber gave the creed and did an excellent job on her presentation (but I may be a bit biased)!  We had students working courtesy corp or attending sessions the whole day.  The welding contest kids went over to practice at the same time that the agriscience kids and meats team should have competed.  Angelica Bassett received a white ribbon for her participation in the agriscience contest.  Some students were able to partake in activities that were held at Pershing as well as over on East Campus.  Later Thursday, Megan Boardman and Leah Friesen had interviews for their proficiency awards.  And they happen to find some free time to meet up with the National President, Brian Walsh and do this to my room:
Leah and Megan ended up receiving 2nd and 3rd, respectively, in their proficiency area of specialty crops.  

Also, Brandon Boardman stood on stage Thursday evening to receive the presentation check that he earned by creating the youtube video of what our chapter would do with $1,000.

On Friday, April 11, we had three students participate in the welding competition, while the rest went to sessions or worked courtesy corp.  At noon, we were checked out of our hotel, and headed to hang out in the FFA tent on East Campus.  The students did get a little ice cream and some down time before their evening session.  They also were able to eat supper and catch a nap in the lawn chairs in Sears at the mall.  Kristine Goertzen had the privilege of playing dinner music with the State Star Candidates, while the seniors were taken out to a meal at Cheddar's in honor of receiving their State Degree.  

Rounding out the night of good food and fellowship, we got to see that Addie Swartzendruber received a bronze medal for her Creed Speaking competition.

Following a crazy busy week at convention, we had our annual FFA Banquet on Monday night!  It was a great turn out, and a great way to send the seniors off, thank everyone for their support, recognize the achievements of the chapter, and elect new officers.

 Hopefully by next year, the new officers will have told Cole not to wear white socks for official dress.

Our new officers are President, Parker Goertzen
Vice President of Student Affairs, Lydia Quiring
Vice President of Community Affairs, Paige Mestl
Secretary, Bailey Ulmer
Treasurer, Vanessa Hiebner
Reporter, Addie Swartzendruber
Sentinel, Cole Nickels

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8, 2014

Things have been hectic in ag, as well as FFA.

This past week we hosted a planting supper, that was unfortunately not well attended...but the FFA members got a free meal out of the deal.  This supper was to be another way to show that we appreciate the local farmers.
Some shop projects were finished, as well as some are close to being done.
 Ben Winter's Trailer is ready to be loaded up and hauled home.
Jayden Epp is on his way to making 4 benches to sit around the campfire.
Brandon Boardman is working on creating a bench out of a bed frame.

The third period ag class is still working on concrete.  They recently had the chance to experiment with making boats.  They also found that if you spread the concrete too thin, it will crack as it cures.  I'm pretty excited about the next part to the concrete unit.  If you get a chance, look up hypertufa.  I'll post pictures as they become available.

The freshmen have been working hard in the shop.  Kristine, Angelica, and Austin finished their dinner bells.  Ben and Johnny have finished their punch and chisels.  Currently, Shelby and Ashley are working on constructing flower boxes; Austin, Kristine, Kori, Ben, and Angelica are working on making adirondack chairs.  Addie and Bailey (and now Johnny) are all working on soldering.

We have had little happen in the ways of chicks hatching.  The students were sad to see that the last babies went to their new home.  It wasn't until this morning that we heard the faint sounds of cheeping...and they are getting stronger as the day progresses.  I think I overheard the students say something about calling this one "clumsy" as he seems to trip a lot.  If he doesn't stay out of the water dish in the corner of the incubator...he may never get to come out of there.

We're off to state convention tomorrow!  Yeah!  There's nothing better than being mixed into the sea of corduroy blue!