Wednesday, May 14, 2014

We're nearing completion!

The end is in sight and a lot of dust is still on the floor!  We need more days with less activities going on...but then again, it's almost SUMMER!

Lots has happened since the last post.  We updated the front of our building!  This was done by the help of several students: Jayden Epp, Ben Winter, Ben Driewer, Emma Fritz, Tyler Lear, and Cheyenne Hiebner.

We have several projects to finish and only a few days to do's kind of like the amazing race!  The following pictures depict some more of the finished freshmen projects.
 Shelby Hurlbut's flower box
 Ashley Bailey's flower box
 Addie Swartzendruber and Bailey Ulmer's adirondack chairs
 Angelica Basset's adirondack chair
 John Johnson's flower box

Don't forget that if you or your student are in class, they might have a shop bill that needs to be paid!!! 

On Monday, the FFA officers will be heading to Aurora for COLT conference (Chapter Officer Leadership Training).  I can't wait to see what next year has in store for this group as I'm sure it will be interesting!  

Until next time, keep on keeping on.