Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Easter then State!

Hello!  It's only been two weeks since I've posted...but I thought it was time to post again.

Tomorrow is our last day before Easter break.  When we come back from break, FFA members will have one day before State FFA convention time flies.  (Especially when that one day involves a track meet!)

Members will have a quick meeting tomorrow during lunch to figure out what the plan is for state.  There will be a few students try out for solos in the choir, an agriscience team, a meats team, an agronomy team, and a junior livestock judging team.  Five students will receive their State FFA degree.  Parker Goertzen, Jordan Heinrichs, Paige Mestl, Cole Nickels, and Lydia Quiring have achieved this top degree.  Their presession begins at 3:45 with the actually session where the ceremony takes places begins around 4:00 on Friday, April 10.  It promises to be a busy, yet fun time.

Speaking of state convention, we'll finally hear how we did on the Nutrients for Life competition.  I wanted to share with you a little more knowledge that the freshmen students were able to learn during our time studying about the essential nutrients...

"Nutrients need a lot of water and oxygen, without these things the plants wouldn’t
live and the roots wouldn’t grow. The three main things that the plant needs is NPK
which stands for Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorous. Nitrogen helps the plants
grow strong and healthy and helps plants gain the energy through photosynthesis.
Without Potassium the leaves will have burnt edges and without Phosphorous the
leaves will turn purple. So make sure that all of the plants have those three things-NPK."

Next week will be a busy week.  Be sure to follow our twitter account as the Convention unfolds.

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