Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October far!

Well, for most of the area, we're mid-harvest.  For the FFA chapter, we're mid activities during the month of October.

Last week, we had District Land Judging.  It was held in Hamilton County this year.  Who would have guessed that they put us along the Platte River banks?  Let me tell you, for the type of soil that we worked with that day (October 7) we sure didn't do too bad.  In fact, I am extremely happy with how the kiddos did!  If I would have put the kids on different teams....we could have easily received third place...possibly even 2nd.

Just a reminder, and for those who are unfamiliar with land judging, we were looking at what the soil is capable of doing.  We have to forget what the land is currently being used for, and look at several factors to determine what it's best use would be...all while keeping soil conservation in mind.
 This is a picture of one of the four soil pits the kids use to judge.  Here they are looking at how thick the horizon layers.  They can also use some of this information to figure out how much erosion has taken place, and to help determine soil texture.
 The picture above and the picture below is of field information notes that are given to the students so that they can correctly treat the land.

 Again, another example of a pit that the kids had to judge.  They are not allowed to make marks or touch the area between the two pink ribbons.

 The kids are taking some time before the competition starts to relax.  There is a lot of walking and standing around during the competition, so this was actually a good time to take a group shot.  Unfortunately, the reason why they had this chance, is because a sheet that the students were supposed to be able to use was forgotten.  This put the competition behind by an hour and a half.
 Connor Peters is taking some time during the competition to fill out his score card.  Each hole is worth 100 points.  Making the competition worth 400 points total.
 Austin Stuhr is contemplating some choices that need to be made on his score card.
 Calvin Harper and Bryce Allen were placed in the same group during the competition.  The competition is an individual event, but they walk to each of the four pits as a group.
 Karah Joyner is trying to figure out how to calculate the slope of the land when there are 70 other students that she has to share the space with.
 Emily Goertzen in the gray shirt, and Olivia Casper in the orange shirt are taking their turn to ribbon the soil so they can put the correct soil texture on their card.  This is important because of 1) how to treat the land and 2) the water holding capacity of the soil.  Plants can only take up nutrients through the absorption of water.  If the water moves through too fast, as it would with sand, the plants don't get enough time to soak up the water before gravity moves it deeper into the soil profile.  Likewise, if the soil has more clay, the water won't move through it at all...and therefore drowns the roots.
 Trevor Friesen is trying to double check some of his answers before finally handing in one of his four score cards.
 Nate Rogers is observing other students in the pit before he takes his own turn in.  By observing, he is able to get somewhat of an idea of what the answers on his card should be.
 Connor Peters is taking his turn to feel and ribbon the soil.
Olivia Casper, in orange, and Emily Goertzen, in gray, are waiting their turn in the pit.

Out of 334 competitors, we had 8 place in the top 50.  Addie Swartzendruber placed 2nd (earning a chance to compete at state), Emily Goertzen placed 11, Matthew Buller placed 17, Cheyenne Hiebner placed 23, Trevor Friesen placed 24, Kyle Ott placed 31, Vanessa Hiebner placed 33, and Peyton Ott received 39.  At this time, we do not have any ribbon placings...but I'll get you updated when we receive them.

On Friday, October 9, members took some time from their day off to feed local farmers.  This event took place in Bradshaw, at Progressive Ag Inc.  This is the third year of the Heartland Chapter hosting the event.  I think that the kids enjoy it as much as the farmers appreciate it.
 Kyle Ott and Austin Stuhr are prepping the "to go" boxes with chips and a cookie.  The chips were donated by Progressive Ag Inc., water was donated by Fontanelle, and the cookies were donated by Central Valley Ag.  A special thank you goes out to these companies for helping support this cause...which in turn supports our farmers!
 Bailey Ulmer has found that they boys weren't quite ready for her to hand a cookie to their productivity line so she takes a moment to take a picture.
 Angelica Bassett waits to hand over a "to go" box to the next patron in line.
The Quirings took some time out of their busy harvest schedule to feed their workers.

Several members were also chosen to receive a free FFA jacket through various supporters that live throughout the state of Nebraska.  These supporters sponsored over 315 jackets.  Heartland was fortunate enough to receive 8 jackets.
Members receiving jackets (from Left to Right): Jade Hiebner, Katrina Hiebner, Olivia Casper, Brooklyn Epp, Ben Mestl, Peyton Ott, Noah Hiebner, and not pictured Shauna Spencer.

Lastly, Tuesday evening, October 13.  FFA members worked the David City volleyball concessions.  The money earned from concessions will help to pay for the chapter dues.
Peyton Ott, Ben Mestl, and Reid Huebert were just three of the 16 members that came to help work the concessions.

Members will also work during the conference volleyball games on Monday, October 19 and then December 15 during basketball concessions.

Money earned at concessions on Monday will go towards helping members pay for National Convention.  Money earned from concessions in December will go to finish helping pay for dues, and any other activities that we will hold throughout the year.

Looking towards the rest of the month, next week is State Land Judging out in Scottsbluff, NE.  Then 7 FFA members will attend National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY in two weeks - October 27-31.  Keep looking for some updates.

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